Presentation of the parish

Published on 14 March 2012

The parish of St Pierre is a home and family parish located in the village of Pointe aux Piments.

Worship Service

Worship services are celebrated at 9:30 am on Sundays in Kreole

As in every parish of the Presbyterian Church, the sharing of the Word is intended to be nourishing, praise joyful , prayers close to people, the Lord’s Supper welcoming.

Recently, the community has hosted English speaking worship service co-officiated with members of Saint Columba parish.


The parish is located at Terminus, Pointe aux Piments. It houses worship services, but also Sunday School, prayer meetings, other sessions and times for sharing.

Pastor Nicole Armand, consecrated pastor in 2016, was installed in the parish in February 2017. She officiates there with love and patience.