LENT 2020 – Called to a life that pleases God
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are all called to a life that pleases God. Let us learn to discover His will as much in our choices, our characters as in our service, our passions, our work and our dreams. Each week, through these mediations, let us also take the decision to put the Word into practice by coming with concrete action(s) for our lives. This time of Lent, let us walk together to enter into God’s plan of love.
Called to an extravagant love

Today let us read John 12:1-11
Mary understood what discipleship meant and practiced it even before Jesus taught his disciples about the new commandment. She loved the Lord with extravagance. We call Judas a disciple, and yet he does not show signs of one. However, let us be careful at how we judge Judas, it is so easy to point fingers at him, and telling ourselves that we are like Mary.
Do we really waste our resources on Jesus and his work? Or do we calculate and justify our actions to give leftovers to the Lord?
Mary anoints Jesus for his burial, according to the Lord’s explanation. Anointing is also part of crowning a king.
Personal action
Mary also perfumes the world, with love. As we enter Holy Week, I choose to find ways to demonstrate that kind of extravagant love, and perfume the world around me. Maybe we can bring healing to our hurt world.
Abba Father, everything we have come from you. May our gift to you and your work be more than generous. May we let ourselves be pushed around by you every day to love you and your children with an extravagant love. In the name of Jesus. Amen.