
Strategic plan – Presentation

Published on 14 September 2024

As part of the launch of the PCM’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2030, nine videos will be shown in the various parishes. The steering committee invites all parishioners to watch the videos to better (…)

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Ecumenical Theological College - courses

Published on 14 September 2024

The Ecumenical Theological College proposes a course on “Introduction to the Old Testament” every Monday, as from 16 September, from 5pm to 7pm at St André Church. Cost: Rs. 3,600 for the 15 (…)

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Prière Libérer ministry - Prayer caravan

Published on 13 September 2024

The Prière Libérer ministry organises a prayer caravan that visits a different parish every two months. The theme of this prayer caravan is ‘Elevate Jesus’. The prayer caravan continues its visit (…)

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Joint Service - St Jean and Malgasy parishes

Published on 7 September 2024

St Jean and Malagasy parishes will be holding a joint service on Sunday 15 September. After the service, there will be a sale of Mauritian and Malagasy Food.

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Strategic plan – Hymn

Published on 24 August 2024

As part of the launch of the PCM’s Strategic Plan for 2024-2030, the Steering Committee invites anyone or any group of people to take part in a competition to compose a hymn on the chosen theme: (…)

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