Presentation of the parish

Published on 28 April 2024

The St Jean church was inaugurated in 1840 by the Reverend Jean Lebrun.
The first Protestant missionary and pioneer of free education in Mauritius.
The church is located at La Poudriere Street, in Port louis.
Anchored in the heart of the capital, the church aims to be welcoming and accessible to all.
Evangelism is the corner stone of the community and brings serenity adapting itself to the changes of our modern society.
The Parish’s location is strategic in allowing the evangelization of people from different social and economical backgrounds.

Where to find us

The St Jean church is situated at the corner of la Poudrière and Maillard Street close to Jardin de la Compagnie at Port Louis.

Access map on Google Maps

Main Activities

  • * Sunday Services
  • * Sunday School
  • * Oazis
  • * 5 pains et 2 poissons mission
  • * Elle & Lui Group
  • * Eden Group
  • * House Cell
  • * Youth Activities
  • * Worship night


The Sunday services start at 09:00
Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.

The Malagasy Community has services every 2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday of each month at 11:30

Sunday School

Children aged 3 to 15 years meet on a weekly basis on Saturdays at St Jean church.
The children study the scriptures through different participative, and interactive activities guided by their Sunday School teacher.


A Prayer and meditation time is held every Wednesday between 12:00 and 12:30, led by either the Pastor of the Parish or one of the Elders of the church.

The 5 Loaves, 2 Fish mission

The aim of the 5 loaves and 2 fish mission, which started in 2004 is to provide a hot meal every Saturday for the homeless and vulnerable people of the vicinity.
A service is held at the Church aiming at spreading a message of love, tolerance, peace and hope taken from the Holy scriptures.
A hot meal is distributed to them after the service.

Elle & Lui

This group is composed of the couples of the Parish.
They meet for Prayers, worship and sharing.
The group organizes various activities.
Serving God, as couples and with their families, is the key drive of the group.

Eden Group

The Eden Group is composed of the ladies of the Parish, they meet for Prayers, worship and sharing.
They also organize recreational activities.

House Cell

We have a House Cell located in Sainte Croix which meets every week for sharing and strengthening of faith as a community.

Youth Group

The youths meet and participate regularly in leading the Worship during the services as well as in other activities organized by the youth department of the Presbyterian church.

Evening Worship

An evening worship is held on the last bimonthly Friday at the church.
It is an active time of adoration and worship organized by the various groups of the Parish.